Harbor K12
School districts are bombarded with internal and external evaluations and professional development criteria for all roles throughout the district. Harbor K12 developed a way to streamline the process of various COT, SLO, leadership, & non-exempt evaluations, while making reporting simple, understandable and actionable.
My Role
My roles included helping to establish the business logic based on client and user requirements, designing all elements of the application from wireframes to full page mockups to interactive demos displaying specific user interaction, and overseeing product management throughout the Agile development process.
After completing initial user research, I jump into flowcharts, sketches and wireframes to start mapping the users’ path through the application. From there, I begin to define the creative direction with the grid structure, color scheme, icons and typography. I create interactive prototypes to test specific actions and ensure they align with user expectations.
Harbor K12 provides not only productive, but exception data. Based on the business requirements and pain points, we incorporated selective flags, reminders, and notifications at all the pivotal statuses throughout the system so that everyone from teacher to Superintendent can succeed.
Besides recording productive data of everything that’s going on in the district, our dashboards also worked to give users the ability to see where problems exist. At a glance, users can quickly see evaluations that are not started, past due or fall within a variance that signal even more attention is needed. Users can also filter views from the entire district to a specific learning community all the way down to a single school.
The volume of evaluations that district personnel go through in a given school year creates an enormous accumulation of paper. We created a series of digital evaluations that are saved to the user’s profile for easy access by both observers and supervisors as well as the recipients pending the timeframe and status of each evaluation.
We worked tirelessly with the district to determine the appropriate business logic for every statuses of each evaluation while also incorporating view and edit rights of each status based on roles and permissions. Each evaluation type has at least five roles based on the user with various permissions applied to each.
The Professional Learning Management System allows every user district wide to further their professional development in a manageable and trackable application. I designed a card layout so that users could quickly see the important details pertaining to each course and all the sections that are associated with it without having to leave the main search page.
If more details are needed, all course and sections have additional layouts to give the user all available information.
Pending the user’s roles and permissions, the section layout also gives the ability to manage the roster. Instructors can edit individual attendees or all attendees through bulk editing functionality.